Monday, November 9, 2009

A Motivator by Big Huge Labs

Here is my motivator poster from Big Huge Labs (My Motivational Poster). I love the idea of personalizing my own posters. I like to post a lot of motivational vocabulary all around my classroom. I feel this submersion in the language engages my students on a daily basis without them even realizing it. I like to post posters in Spanish so that my students have a wider understanding of vocabulary words and can see them being used properly. Using Big Huge Labs can help me create these personalized motivational posters; they may even up lift my students’ spirits. Also, having posters in the target language can motivate them to wanting to know what each poster really means in English. I especially like that this will save me money, now I will not need to buy expensive posters.

1 comment:

  1. Yomaira,
    Using Big Huge Labs will give you more freedom to be creative in making posters, but does it really save you money! I have no idea how much posters cost today. :-)
    Dr. Burgos
